What you see on this site is just a small fraction of our stock so it's worth asking for your wanted items.
We also sell on eBay here the-beatchapter here beatchapter*com here beatchapter-outlet here beatchapter-online & we sell vinyl on Discogs here beatchapter
We are trusted sellers with 100% positive feedback. Please ask us if you are looking for something in particular & remember that we also offer part exchange/trades so you may not need to part with any cash. We promise to sell you anything on this website at least 10% cheaper than our eBay shop. If you are a music fan or magazine collector you have found one of the best places to buy collectible & vintage magazines.
We buy & sell vintage back issues of rock and pop music magazines from the mid 1960s to late 80s, music books, 60s & 70s culture/sunday/supplement magazines, authentic music press cuttings, articles, rock music interviews and music biz adverts from the mid 60s to late 70s, We also trade in 60s & 70s underground press like London Oz magazine, Frendz, Ink and International times etc. General rock memorabilia, concert and promotional posters, tour programmes, flyers and used tickets, original sheet music from 50s to 80s, press agent and record company promotional photos, vinyl records and CD's. Please check our wanted items list to see what magazines we buy & sell.
We also buy sell and trade back issues of guitar magazines & some more recent publications such as Bass Player, Bassist and the 70s Guitar magazine that ceased in 1984.
We have a massive stock of full music press clippings and promotional ad's advertising tours and record releases taken from 1960s 1970s and 80s music publications and ready for framing. We also carry a constantly growing collection of vintage music press articles, interviews, record and gig/concert reviews from the all the big names in rock to lesser known artists. Our music press clippings/cuttings are also available as downloads if requested.