
Observer Magazine 7 March 1965 Courreges "Space Age" clothes Iceland's new volcanic island, Surtsey


Observer Magazine 7 March 1965 Courreges "Space Age" clothes Iceland's new volcanic island, Surtsey

6 A THALIDOMIDE BABY AT SCHOOL For 250 children in Britain the tragedy of thalidomide was more than a passing horror : they had to learn to live with their terrible handicap. But Eddie Freeman, born five years ago virtually armless and legless and never expected to get off his back, has triumphantly joined his local infants' school. Maureen Green tells his story.


18 VAST VOLCANIC LABORATORY The first life - bacteria, lichen, a few sea-birds - is appearing on Iceland's new volcanic island, Surtsey, and it has become a unique laboratory for scientists.

22 CLOTHES OF THE FUTURE ARE HERE Courreges is the revolutionary of Paris. His "Space Age" clothes are designed for freedom, action, and participation. Here we look at the clothes and the man.

34 HOW TO PLAN YOUR HOUSE Shirley Conran opens a six-part Simple Girl's Guide to Home Design by mapping out the grand strategy of domestic planning. In the next five weeks she will apply the basic principles to each of the main rooms of the house - bathroom, dining-room, kitchen, bedroom, and living-room.

42 QUAILS WITH COURAGE The French have a special insult for the classic way of cooking quail : they call it caille a l'anglaise. Clement Freud shows you more enterprising ways. 

The Observer Magazine is a supplement to The Observer newspaper published for just one day only, on a Sunday in England.



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