
OZ Magazine No 35 (May 1971) Special Pig issue Yellow cover by Ed Belchamber with faint rubber stamp


OZ Magazine No 35 (May 1971) Special Pig issue Yellow cover by Ed Belchamber with faint rubber stamp

London OZ Magazine No 35 (May 1971) Special Pig issue Yellow cover by Ed Belchamber. 

Contents: Stop Press: OZ Obscenity Trial 22 June 1971 at Old Bailey. The Contortions of Modern Cricket A commentary on the current state of the game - Suck, sexuality and politics by Jim Haynes + graphic art. The continued Story of Lee Heater by Jim Anderson + graphics. How Howie Made it in the Real World 3 page graphic cartoon by Gore. Great full page Keef Hartley Band LP advert. The Bob Sleigh Case by Stanislav Demidjuk freak injustice. Act Like a Lady gay advice from Gay Dealer + graphics by Rod Beddall. Chart: Medical Effects of Mind-Altering Substances - based on charts by Sidney Cohen MD and Joel Fort. Drug Chart Extra. Acid Through the Looking Glass and The YageDitran Conjecture Peter Stafford author of LSD...The Problem Solving Drug and the forthcoming Psychedelic Baby Reaches Puberty on psychedelics. Full page psychedelic Alice and white rabbit graphic. Drugs Fight Dirty - Hit Back Hard text and graphic. Full page Dan Pearce graphic. S. Clay Wilson Spider Joy cartoon. Pink Fairies and Roy Harper adverts. Ozjets Dart at Clytie Jessops Gallery in Kings Road thanks for the exhibition + graphics including Hockneys portraits of the editors. Mail order OZ including Luff, Honeybunch, pregnant elephant and Three Virgins (girls from the centrespread of OZ No. 27) See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me Esalen and Encounter Group Therapy Jerome Liss talks to Don Braisby + graphics and groups list. T-shirts and badges. Advert for Jill Nevilles The Love Germ. Edward cartoon advert for Nasty Tales and IT. Centrespread Hans Bellmer graphic. Mike Murphy cartoon. Edgar Broughton and Brian Auger LP adverts. Desolation Dribble David Reitman plays basketball with Dylan + Dan Pearce graphic. His Duty to Serve Hers to Inspire Lee Harris on Gandhi. Spike: the Little Red Schoolbook and repression. Ink. Richard Brautigan poem Flowers for Those You Love. St Cecelia ad. Terror on the Tubes Stanislav Demidjuk on Theatrespiel performance. Gypsy and B.B. Blunder ads. Fan mail + Lynn Barnes graphic. Gnidrolog by Charles Shaar Murray + full page 3rd eye photo. Thin Lizzy and early Hendrix on Saga Records advertss and Friends of the Earth books by Ballantine ad. LP reviews: Brian Auger, Third World War, John Cale and Terry Riley, Keef Hartley Band, Loudon Wainwright III. 2 page M.J. Weller cartoon The Firm. Back cover advert for United Artists Records with boy reading OZ issue 33.



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