Best prices paid for your old vintage magazines and books. Large collections or small amounts purchased or maybe you have just one rare magazine that is worth a quick phone call. Below is an incomplete wanted items list of used music magazines and underground press etc. Beatchapter do not only sell second hand music magazines. We buy and sell a wide range old and interesting magazines on many different subjects. There are way too many to list so it's always worth asking us. You may have a small fortune sitting in the loft or basement without ever knowing it. Call for a free quote if you have inherited a large collection or even if you just want to sell a few old vintage magazines, comics, underground press, punk fanzines, rock memorabilia or vintage adult magazines and vinyl records. Use our "contact" link at the bottom of this page to email or call/text/whatsapp Jon on 0795 1234 862. We no longer sell adult magazines on our website but we do sometimes buy them. Thanks for reading.
Wanted Music Magazines
Actuel magazine - France,
Album Tracking magazine/newspaper 1976-77 UK,
Atem Magazine 1977 - 1979 - France,
Bass Player magazine - USA,
Beat Instrumental magazine - UK,
Beat News magazine - UK,
Beat Scene magazine/newspaper - Scotland,
Beetle magazine - Canada,
Best magazine - France,
Big Beat magazine - UK,
Billy Fury Monthly - UK,
Blast magazine - USA,
Blank Space Magazine/Newspaper,
Blitz magazine - UK,
Blues & Soul magazine - UK,
Blues News magazine - Finland,
Blues Unlimited - UK,
Bomp magazine - USA,
Boyfriend - UK,
Bravo magazine - Germany,
Bristol Beat magazine - UK,
Bucketfull of Brains magazine/Fanzine - UK,
Cash Box magazine USA,
Changes magazine USA,
Cheetah magazine USA,
Ciao 2001 magazine - Italy
Circus magazine USA,
Circus Raves magazine USA,
Combo - Merseyside's Brighest Beat Paper - UK,
Combo Musical Weekly magazine newspaper format - UK,
Comstock Lode - USA,
Crawdaddy magazine - USA,
Cream magazine - UK,
Creem magazine - USA,
Diana magazine - UK,
Disc newspaper - UK,
Disc & Music Echo newspaper - UK,
Disc Weekly newspaper - UK,
Disco 45 magazine - UK,
Disco Revue magazine - France,
Dark Star magazine - UK,
Drums & Percussion magazine - UK,
Dzuboks magazine - Yugoslavia,
Electronics & music maker magazine - UK,
Electronic Soundmaker magazine - UK,
Encyclopaedia Psychedelica magazine UK 1987 - 1991,
Eurock Fanzine/Magazine 1974 - USA,
Eye 60s magazine - USA,
Experience magazine - Switzerland 1973 -1974,
Extra magazine - France,
Fachblatt magazine - Germany,
Face magazine - UK,
Fusion newspaper - USA,
Fabulous magazine - UK,
FAB 208 magazine - UK,
Fan magazine - UK,
Fat Angel - UK,
Fave magazine - USA,
First Hearing magazine - UK,
Flip magazine - USA,
Flower Scene magazine - UK,
Forced Exposure magazine - USA,
Freak Out magazine - USA,
Go magazine - USA,
Guitar magazine - UK,
Hit magazine - UK,
Hit magazine - Germany,
Hit Parade magazine - UK,
Hit Parader magazine - USA,
Hit Week magazine - Netherlands,
Honey magazine - UK,
Home of the Blues magazine - UK,
Hot Flash magazine/Fanzine - UK,
Hot Press Magazine/Newspaper - Ireland,
Hotcha magazine - Zürich Switzerland1968-1971,
Hullabaloo magazine - USA,
Impetus magazine 1976 - UK,
International Musician And Recording World magazine - UK,
Intro magazine - UK,
Intro magazine - Germany,
It's Here magazine - UK,
Jamming magazine - UK,
Jazz News magazine - UK,
Joepie magazine - Belgium,
Juke Box magazine - Belgium,
Keyboard magazine - UK,
Kicks magazine - UK,
KYA Beat magazine - USA,
Let it Rock magazine - UK,
Le Pop magazine - French
Liquorice magazine - UK,
London Life magazine - UK,
Look In magazine - UK,
Lucky Stars magazine,
Man about town - UK,
Marilyn magazine - UK,
Melanie magazine - UK,
Midland Beat magazine newspaper format - UK,
Mirabelle magazine - UK,
Melody Maker magazine newspaper format - UK,
Mersey Beat magazine newspaper format - UK,
Metal Forces magazine - UK,
Mod's Monthly magazine - UK,
Monkees monthly,
Music Echo newspaper - UK,
Music Life magazine - Japan,
Music Maker magazine,
Music Now magazine newspaper format - UK,
Musicians only magazine,
Music Parade magazine - UK,
Music Scene magazine - UK,
Music Star magazine - UK,
Music Week magazine - UK,
Music World & Superstar magazine,
Musik Fans magazin - Germany
Musik Joker magazine - Germany,
Musik Magazin magazine - Germany,
Musik Parade magazine - Netherlands,
Muziekkrant Oor magazine - Netherlands
Muziek Expres magazine - Netherlands,
Muziek Parade magazine,
New Musical Express magazine newspaper format,
New Music News magazine - UK,
New Sounds, New Styles magazine - UK,
Newsweek magazine USA ,
New Wave News magazine - UK,
New Wave Rock magazine - USA,
New York Rocker magazine - USA,
New Spotlight magazine - Ireland
No Mag magazine,
Noise magazine,
NME magazine - UK,
Nuggets magazine - UK,
Omaha Rainbow magazine,
One Two Testing magazine - UK,
Oor magazine - Netherlands,
Ouse Beat magazine - UK,
Out Now,
Overthrow magazine/newspaper - USA*
Penetration magazine newspaper format,
Picture Pop magazine,
Phase 1 magazine - UK,
Phonograph Record magazine - USA,
Popfoto magazine - Netherlands,
Pop Music French magazine newspaper format,
Pop magazine - German,
Pop magazine - Swiss,
Poppin magazine - Canada,
Pop Pics Super magazine,
Pop Shop magazine,
Pop Scene,
Popster magazine UK,
Popswap magazine - UK,
Pop Up magazine,
Pop weekly magazine UK,
Ptolemaic Terrascope magazine - UK,
Punk Scene magazine,
Punk magazine,
Rave magazine - UK,
Record Buyer magazine,
Record Mail magazine newspaper format - UK,
Record Retailer magazine,
RE/Search magazine,
Rolling Stone magazine newspaper format UK /USA,
Record Mirror magazine newspaper format UK,
Record Mirror & Popswop magazine newspaper format - UK
Record Press 1950's Jazz magazine published by Vogue records
Record Review magazine - USA,
Record World magazine - USA,
Rock En Stock magazine - France,
Rock magazine newspaper format - USA,
Rock magazine - USA,
Rock Folk magazine - UK,
Rock News magazine 1-7 - France,
Rock & Folk magazine - France,
Rock Scene magazine - USA,
Rock Sound magazine,
Rock Star magazine,
Rock Stock magazine,
Rock On magazine,
Rollerderby magazine,
Rolling Stones Monthly magazine - UK,
Scoop magazine - Japan,
Screen n' Heard Magazine - UK,
Scream magazine
Search & Destroy magazine SF USA 1977-79
Slash magazine - USA,
Song magazine Germany 1966 - 1970,
Soul Messenger magazine,
Sound International magazine - UK,
Sounds magazine newspaper format - UK,
Southern Rag magazine,
Spotlight magazine - Ireland
Suosikki magazine - Finland,
Star magazine - USA,*
Star Club News magazine,
Starlet magazine Sweden 1980's
Strange Days magazine newspaper - UK,
Strange Things magazine - UK,
Street Life magazine newspaper format - UK,
Superpop magazine - UK,
Supersonic magazine - UK,
Swing 51 magazine,
Swing - Reggae magazine 1968-1978 JA,
Synapse magazine - USA,
Teen Beat magazine - USA,
Teen Set magazine - USA,
The Mods Monthly - UK,
The Quiet Storm magazine - Thailand 1980's
Top of the Pops magazine - UK
Top Pops magazine newspaper format - UK,
Town magazine - UK,
Trend magazine - UK,
Trick magazine newspaper format,
Trouser Press magazine - USA,
Tune in magazine - UK,
Ugly Things magazine/Fanzine - UK,
Unit Magazine,
Veronica magazine - Netherlands,
Vibes magazine - USA,
Vibrations magazine/Newspaper - USA,
Waxpoetics magazine - USA,
Way Ahead - UK,
Western Scene magazine,
Who Put The BOMP Magazine USA ,
Words & Music Magazine USA,
Words Songbook magazine - UK,
World Countdown magazine/newspaper format USA,
Yarrowstalks magazine/comic USA,
ZG magazine - UK,
Zigzag magazine - UK,
Zoo World magazine - USA,
Zygote magazine/newspaper USA,
It's always worth asking if you have any magazines not listed here. Especially european music magazines from the 1960s - 1970s.
What we don't want
History of Rock, Story of Pop, Classic Rock, Q, Select, Vox, Record Collector, Total Guitar, Guitarist, Mojo.
Wanted Punk & Rock Fanzines
20th Century Saints Fanzine,
48 Thrills Fanzine,
A Teenage Warning Fanzine,
Ad Rem Fanzine,
Ablaze of Glory Fanzine,
Absolutely Zippo Fanzine,
After Hours Fanzine,
Alternative America Fanzine,
Allied Propaganda Fanzine,
Alternative Ulster Fanzine,
Artcore Fanzine,
Anti Climax Fanzine,
Apocalypse Now Fanzine,
Ballroom Blitz Fanzine,
Barbed Wire Fanzine,
Bitter Taste Fanzine,
Blackpool Rox Fanzine,
Black Market Fanzine,
Blitz Fanzine,
Brass Lip Fanzine,
Bored Stiff Fanzine,
Burnt Offering Fanzine,
Chainsaw Fanzine,
City Chains Fanzine,
Cometbus Fanzine,
Communication Blur Fanzine,
Common Knowledge Fanzine,
Crash Bang Fanzine,
Crass International Anthem Fanzine,
Dangerous Logic Fanzine,
Deviation Street Fanzine,
Downward Spiral Fanzine,
Face Out Fanzine,
Gadgie Fanzine,
Ghast Up Fanzine,
Girl Germs Fanzine,
Global Exchange Fanzine,
Grinding Halt Fanzine,
Guilty Without Trial Fanzine,
God on the Screen Fanzine,
Hanging Around Fanzine,
Headbanger Fanzine,
HeartattaCk Fanzine,
Heat Fanzine
Homocore Fanzine,
Impulse Fanzine,
Ink & Decibels Fanzine,
Insane Whorehouse Fanzine: Japan,
Intensive care - 70s/80s Fanzine,
In the City Fanzine,
It's Different For Girls Fanzine,
Jamming Fanzine,
J.D.s Fanzine,
Jungleland Fanzine,
Kids Stuff Fanzine,
Kill Your Pet Puppy Fanzine,
Killin Time Fanzine,
Kingdom Come Fanzine,
Lights Go Out Fanzine,
Lobotomy Fanzine,
Londons Burning Fanzine,
Look At The Time Fanzine,
Love & Molotov Cocktails Fanzine,
Mass Murder Fanzine,
Maximum Speed Fanzine,
Mentally Unstable Fanzine,
New Mania Fanzine,
New York Rocker Fanzine,
New Order Fanzine,
New Wave Fanzine,
Neumusik Fanzine,
Never Surrender Fanzine,
No Cure Fanzine,
Noise Annoise Fanzine,
Outlet Fanzine Fanzine,
Out Now Fanzine,
Outpunk Fanzine,
Ox Fanzine,
Panache Fanzine,
Paperbag magazine,
Penetration Fanzine,
The Poser Fanzine,
Profane Existence Fanzine,
Punk Fanzine,
Punkazine Fanzine,
Push The Limits Fanzine,
Pork Fanzine,
Raising Hell Fanzine,
Rancid News Fanzine,
Rapid Eye Movement Fanzine,
Razorcake Fanzine,
Rave On Fanzine,
Ready to Ruck Fanzine,
Ripped & Torn Fanzine,
Rising Free Fanzine,
Safe As Milk Fanzine,
Sailin On Fanzine,
Search & Destroy Fanzine,
Shadows and Reflections Fanzine,
Shoreditch Twat Fanzine 1999 - 2004,
Shout Fanzine,
Shrews Fanzine,
Situation Vacant Fanzine,
Slash Fanzine,
Slug and Lettuce Fanzine,
Sluggo! Fanzine,
Sniffin Glue Fanzine,
Sniffin Flowers Fanzine,
Spuno Fanzine,
Stabmental Fanzine,
The Story So Far Fanzine,
Summer Salt Fanzine,
Sunday Mirra Fanzine.
Suspect D-vice Fanzine,
Substitute Fanzine,
Suburban Voice Fanzine,
Suburban Rebels Fanzine,
Take It Fanzine,
Temporary Hoarding Fanzine,
Teenage News Fanzine - Canadian,
This is Kick Fanzine,
Tidal Wave 80's UK punk Fanzine,
The Legend Fanzine,
Things in General Fanzine,
Tongue in Cheek Fanzine,
TNS records Fanzine,
Touch and Go,
T.V.O.R. fanzine,
Twisted Nerve Fanzine,
The Underground Fanzine,
Vague Fanzine Fanzine,
What's it like to be Scottish Fanzine,
Whippings & Apologies Fanzine,
White Stuff Fanzine,
Wanted Vintage Magazines
About Town magazine,
Adonis magazine,
Ebony Magazine 1940's 1950's 1960's, 1970's,
Evergreen Review,
Famous monsters of Filmland,
Fighting Arts magazine,
ID Magazine,
Jet Magazine 1950's, 1960's & 1970's,
La Vie Parisienne Magazine,
Leica World Photography International Magazine 1990's,
LFI Magazine 1990's,
Man About Town magazine,
Man Alive magazine,
Man's World magazine,
Modern Man magazine,
New Worlds (Sci-Fi) Magazine,
Observer magazine,
Practical Wireless Magazine 1914,
Scooter world magazine,
Sunday Times magazine,
The News Nov 1973 - April 1976
Time Out magazine,
Town magazine,
Weekend Telegraph magazine,
If you have any other interesting magazines it's still worth asking.
Wanted Underground Comics/Comix
Air Pirates,
American Splendor,
Anarchy Comics,
Arne Anka,
Arcade (comics magazine)
Armageddon (underground comic)
Bert (comics)
Big Apple Comix,
Big Ass comics,
Bijou Funnies,
Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary,
Boiled Angel,
Breakdowns (comics)
Bud Plant Inc.
Captain Goodvibes,
Cartoonists' Co-op Press,
The Checkered Demon,
Cheech Wizard,
Cherry (comics)
Cobalt 60 (comics)
Comix Book,
Company & Sons,
Cozmic comics,
The Complete Crumb Comics,
Cutey Bunny,
DC Comics,
Demi the Demoness,
Dirty Duck (character)
Dirty Laundry (comic)
Dodgem Logic,
Electric Soup,
Ernie Pook's Comeek,
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers,
Feds 'N' Heads,
Fish Police,
Fritz the Cat,
Funny Aminals,
Gay Comix,
Dr. Atomic's Comic,
God Nose,
Gothic Blimp Works,
Gung Ho!
Help! (magazine)
Heavy Metal magazine/comic,
Home Grown Funnies,
Human soup,
Hup comix,
Hytone Comix,
It Ain't Me Babe,
Jez Jerzy,
Last Gasp,
Laughing Gas,
Life in Hell,
Lips Tullian,
Marvel comics,
Meatmen (comics)
Mr. Natural,
Muriel and the angels,
Motor City Comics,
Mystic Funnies,
Nasty Tales,
Omaha" the Cat Dancer,
Om comix,
Print Mint,
Rip Off Comix,
Rip Off Press,
The Rip Off Review of Western Culture,
Robert Crumb comics,
Rock 'N' Roll Comics,
Rocky (comic strip)
San Francisco Comic Book,
Slow Death,
Snappy Sammy Smoot,
Snatch comics,
Squeak the Mouse,
Tales from the Leather Nun,
The People's Comics,
Tijuana bible,
Tits & Clits Comix,
Trashman (comics)
Tricks comics,
Twisted Sisters (comic)
Underworld (comic strip)
Uneeda comix
Weirdo (comics)
White Buffalo Gazette
Wimmen's Comix,
Wonder Wart-Hog,
Xal-Kor the Human Cat,
Yellow Dog (comics)
Young Lust (comics)
Zap Comix,
Zippy the Pinhead,
Other comics also bought. Let us know what you have.
Wanted UK 60s & 70s Underground press
7 days newspaper,
Arrows magazine,
Black Dwarf newspaper magazine,
Blackhill Bullshit UK magazine 1969-72,
Bitman magazine,
Brighton Voice,
Cambridge Voice,
Daily Post & Echo (Liverpool)
Evergreen magazine,
The Fanatic,
Fapto newspaper/magazine,
Friends newspapers (later Frendz)
Frendz newspapers/magazines,
Gandalf's Garden magazine,
Heatwave magazines,
Hod Magazine (Leeds)
Horse magazine (South Bromley) Yorkshire
Idiot International,
Ink newspaper, The other newspaper,
International Times newspaper 1960's (also known as IT)
International Times newspaper 1970's (also known as IT)
International Times magazine,
Leeds Local,
Liverpool Free Press,
Manchester & Bolton Free Press,
Mole Express,
Moss side press (Manchester)
Muther Grumble,
Other paper (Leeds)
Ops Veda (Sheffield)73
Oz Magazine (1967 - 1973) Here's a quick reference guide to all 48 publications of London Oz magazine with issue numbers.
Pak-o-Lies (Liverpool)
Peace News,
Running Man,
Sad Traffic (Barnsley)
Spare Rib,
Styng Newspaper (7 issues)
Wanted European 60s & 70s Underground press
Aloha. Willem de Ridder, ed. Amsterdam: Aloha, 1969-1973
Parapluie No 1-13 French Underground magazine
SUCK: The First European Sex Paper. London & Amsterdam: Joy Publication, 1969-1974
Superlove. George Streeton editor. Copenhagen: Superlove, 1967-1970 No. 1-38, as Love
Wanted Australian 60s & 70s Underground press
Oz, (1963 to 1969)
The Digger (1972-75)
The Living Daylights (early 1970s)
New Dawn (magazine)
Nexus (magazine)
Wanted American 60s & 70s Underground press
Amazing Grace, Tallahassee, Florida
Ann Arbor Argus, Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Anvil, Durham, North Carolina
Astral Projection, New Mexico
Avatar, Boston, Massachusetts
Berkeley Barb, Berkeley, California
Berkeley Tribe, Berkeley, California (splintered from the Berkeley Barb)
Black Mask,
The Black Panther, Oakland, California
Butterfield Express, Tucson, Arizona
Chicago Seed, Chicago, Illinois
Chinook, Denver, Colorado
Columbus Free Press, Columbus, Ohio
Connections, Madison, Wisconsin
Daily Flash, St. Louis, Missouri (changed name to Xanadu)
Daily Planet, Miami, Florida
Distant Drummer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dock of the Bay, San Francisco, California
East Village Other, New York, New York
El Grito Del Norte, New Mexico
Extra, Providence, Rhode Island
Fatigue Press, Killeen Texas
Feathersword, Gulfport Mississippi
Fifth Estate, Detroit, Michigan
Free Press of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Great Speckled Bird, Atlanta, Georgia
Gothic Blimp Works, New York, New York
Fish Cheer, Pensacola, Florida
The Great Speckled Bird, Atlanta, Georgia
The Guardian, New York, New York
Good Times, San Francisco, California
Harry, Baltimore, Maryland
Hooka (Texas)
The Helix, Seattle, Washington
Hundred Flowers, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Illustrated Paper, Mendocino, California
Kaleidoscope, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kiss newspaper format, New York
Kudzu, Jackson, Mississippi
Indianapolis Free Press, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Inquisition, Charlotte, North Carolina
Kiss. Joel Fabricant, editor. New York 1969-1970
Kudzu, Jackson Mississippi
Liberated Guardian, New York, New York
Liberation News Service, New York, New York (original headquarters)
Vietnam GI, Chicago, Illinois
The Last Times, San Francisco, California (Charles Plymell, 1967) Los Angeles Free Press, Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Free Press L.A. Free press, California 1964 - 1975
Los Angeles Staff, Los Angeles, California (splintered from Los Angeles Free Press)
Madison Kaleidoscope, Madison, Wisconsin
Middle Earth, Iowa City, IA
The Monocle, Tampa, Florida
Mt. Nebo Flash, Buffalo, New York
New Age, Athens, Ohio
New Age 1971 first issued, Buffalo, New York
New York Review of Sex & Politics. S. Edwards and Steven Heller, New York 1969.
Nola Express, New Orleans, Louisiana
Northwest Passage, Bellingham, WA
Old Mole, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Om, Washington DC
Open City, Los Angeles, California
Oracle of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Other Scenes. John Wilcock editor. New York: 1967-1971
Other Scenes (dispatched from various locations around the world)
The Paper, East Lansing, Michigan
Peninsula Observer, Palo Alto, California
Philadelphia Free Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Phoenix, Boston, Massachusetts
Pleasure, New York
Psychedelic review, New Hyde Park, New York
Queen City Express, Cincinnati, Ohio
Quicksilver Times, Washington, DC
Rags Magazine. Baron Wolman editor; Barbara Kruger Art Director. San Francisco: Rosy Cheeks Publishers, Inc 1970-1971
The Rag, Austin, Texas
Rat Subterranean News New York, New York (later Women's LibeRATion)
The Realist
Record - political, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Rising Up Angry, Chicago, Illinois
Rock Creek Free Press, Washington, DC
Sabot, Seattle, Washington
The San Diego Door, San Diego, California
San Diego Free Press, San Diego, California
San Francisco Oracle, San Francisco, California
San Francisco Express Times, San Francisco, California
Screw: A Sex Review. by Al Goldstein, New York: Milky Way Productions, 1968-1970
Second City, Chicago, Illinois
Space City, Houston, Texas (originally Space City News)
The Spectator, Bloomington, Indiana
The Spectrum, Buffalo, New York
Spokane Natural, Spokane, Washington
Together, Buffalo, New York
Undercurrent, Buffalo, New York
Underground Press Syndicate (UPS)
Village Voice, New York, New York
Vortex, Lawrence, Kansas
Water Tunnel, Pennsylvania
Washington Free Press, Washington, DC
Willamette Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Women's LibeRATion, New York City
Yarrowstalks, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Yellow Dog,
Wanted Canadian 60s & 70s Underground press
The Underground Press - Snow Lake, Manitoba
The Georgia Straight - Vancouver, Canada
The Chevron - University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Wanted Vintage Adult Magazines - No Porn!
Mayfair magazine 1960's - 1970's only,
Penthouse magazine 1960's - 1970's only,
Playboy magazine 1950's - 1960's only,
Playgirl magazine 1970's - 1980's only,
Suck magazine/Newspaper,
Curious magazine,
Witchcraft magazine,
Other vintage adult magazines also bought especially mags featuring beat poets like Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac and the likes... Let us know what you have.
Wanted Vinyl
60s and 70s Rock, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Beat, Psychedelic, Progressive, Krautrock, Electronic, Heavy Metal, Folk, Soul, Motown, 60s R&B, Funk, Electro, Ska, Reggae, Dub, Roots, Punk, New Wave, Indie, Britpop
Wanted Record labels
Apple, Atlantic, Blue Horizon, Brain, CBS, Carnaby, Charisma, Columbia, Dandelion, Dawn, Decca, Deram, Elektra, Epic, Fontana, Harvest, Immediate, Island, Liberty, Marmalade, Neon, Nepentha, Ohr, Page One, Philips, Planet, Polydor, Pye, Parlophone, RCA, Regal Zonophone, Track, Track, Transatlantic, Topic, United Artists, Verve, Vertigo, Virgin & various other labels.
Wanted Reggae Labels
Attack, Ackee, Amalgamated, Big, Bread, Bamboo, Black Art, Island, Bluebeat, Bullet, Banana, Escort, FAB, Caltone, Calndisc, Count Shelley, Clocktower, Studio 1, Pama, Crystal, Crab, Trojan, Dice, Skabeat, Dip, Downbeat, Explosion, Escort, Impact, Studio One, Summit, Collins, Upsetter, Burning Sounds, DEB, Jackpot, Greensleeves, On U Sound, Duke, Doctor Bird, Dynamite, Downtown, Dynamic, Pyramid, Jolly, Joe Gibbs, Wackies, Hit Run, Carib Gems, Melodisc, Big Shot, Coxsone, Explosion, GG's, Gayfeet, Green Door, Grape, Giant, Harry J, High Note, Joe, Jama, JJ, Kalypso, Jump Up, Nu Beat, Orchid, Orbit, Pressure, Randys, Smash, Striker Lee, Supreme, Rio, Soul Fire, Moodisc, Micron, Treasure Isle, Cha Cha, Wackies, Unity, Weed Beat etc
Wanted artists
Here's just a few well known wanted groups and musicians....AC DC, Mike Absalom, Affinity, Daevid Allen, Amon Duul, Aphrodite's Child, Arnold Corns, Ashra Tempel, Kevin Ayers, Baby, Babyshambles, Bakerloo, Syd Barrett, Battered Ornaments, Beatles, Ben, Big Youth, Black Sabbath, Blondie, Marc Bolan, Graham Bond, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Dave Brock, Arthur Brown, Prince Buster, William Burroughs, Robert Calvert, Jimmy Campbell, Can, Captain Beefheart, Caravan, Catapilla, Centipede, Clash, Clear Blue Sky, Cluster, Comus, Alice Cooper, Cramps, Cream, Cressida, Cure, Curved Air, Damned, Dando Shaft, Delia Derbyshire, Depeche Mode, Devo, Bo Diddley, Willie Dixon, Doors, Dr Z, Dr Feelgood, John Dummer, La Dusseldorf, Bob Dylan, Electric Prunes, Only Ones, Johns Children, Juniors Eyes, Faces, Fairfield Parlour, Fairport Convention, Faust, Fleetwood Mac, The Fugs, Pink Floyd, Free, Freedom, Robert Fripp, Fruupp, Fugs, Rory Gallagher, Ron Geesin, Genesis, Gnidrolog, Gracious, Davy Graham, Grateful Dead, Gravy Train, Groundhogs, Gong, Pop Group, Harmonia, Alex Harvey, Hawklords, Hawkwind, Richard Hell, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix, Henry Cow, Linda Hoyle, Iggy Pop, In Crowd, Incredible String Band, Jackson Heights, Jade Warrior. The Jam, Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, Joy Division, Juicy Lucy, Juniors Eyes, Keith Tippet, King Crimson, Kinks, KLF, Kraftwerk, La Dusseldorf, Led Zeppelin, Legend, Libertines, Lighthouse, Love, Manfred Mann, May Blitz, John Mayall, Metallica, Mighty Baby, Ministry, Misunderstood, Jackie Mittoo, Modern Lovers, Motorhead, Mott The Hoople, Mothers of Invention, Muddy Waters, Neu, New York Dolls, Nice, Nick Cave, Nirvana, Nucleus, New Order, New York Dolls, Oasis, Orb, Pentangle, Pete Brown And Piblokto, Lee Perry, Pink Floyd, Prince, Prince Far-I, Pretty Things, PIL, Quatermass, Queen, Ramases, Ramones, Raw Material, Max Romeo, Lou Reed, Riot Squad, Rolling Stones, Roger Waters, Ron Geesin, Roxy Music, Rush, Sabbath, Sex Pistols, Siouxsie, Skatalites, Small Faces, Patti Smith, the Smiths, Soft Machine, Spring, Still Life, Stooges, Dr Strangely Strange, Stranglers, Stray, String Stripes, Sun Ra, Taste, Tea And Symphony, Ten Years After, Them, Thin Lizzy, Keith Tippett, Talking Heads, Television, T-rex, Tonton Macoute. Traffic, Gravy Train, Troggs, Tudor Lodge, Nik Turner, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Uriah Heep, the Upsetters, Van Der Graff Generator, Velvet Underground, Warhorse, Wasp, Roger Waters, White Noise, White Stripes, The Who, Yardbirds, Yes, Neil Young, Frank Zappa and lots more obscure bands... way too many to list here.
Vinyl Record Grading System
Mint (M) – Everything is absolutely perfect. Never been played and usually sealed.
Near Mint (NM) – The vinyl looks bright and has only been played a few times. No marks on the vinyl and the whole package is complete. As above but has been played and well cared for.
Excellent (EX) – Same as above but with very light sleeve removal marks where the vinyl has been in and out of the inner sleeve a few times. Cover and inserts close to perfect.
Very Good Plus (VG+) – A few minor faults like light inaudible scuffs, but nothing that compromises the record visually or audibly. A little background crackle in silent areas. Cover still looks very nice but may have light corner knocks.
Very Good (VG) – Has been played a lot but still sounds reasonable. Light marks may be visible. Light pops and clicks but no skipping, Cover may be splitting and corners may be knocked. You can still play and enjoy it without too much sound deterioration or damage to your stylus.
Good (G) – Good actually means it's getting pretty bad. You'll hear some crackling that can overpower the music at times. Only something extremely rare would be worth buying in this condition, maybe as a collection filler. I would not recommend playing records in this condition if you have a decent stylus. Cover may be badly split stained or creased and spine illegible.
Poor (P), Fair (F) Avoid at all costs. Records in this condition will skip and likely damage your stylus. The worst, cracked, badly warped deeply scratched records. Stay away!
Please note. To set the record straight any vinyl that looks Good (G) but sounds (VG+) is still Good (G) but would be graded thus... "The vinyl looks Good (G) but sounds (VG+)"