
Anarchy Journal No 1 Feb 1971 Towards rational bisexuality Gay Liberation Wilhelm Reich Senna Hoy


Anarchy Journal No 1 Feb 1971 Towards rational bisexuality Gay Liberation Wilhelm Reich Senna Hoy

Anarchy Journal/Magazine Volume 1 Number 1 (Second Series) with inserts


2. Text of a leaflet addressed to Gay Liberation from
California Libertarian Alliance.

3. The Case for Enlightened Bisexuality by David Godin.

9. Womens Liberation: Freedom Through Counter-
Revolution? Introductory by Louise Crowley.
my). Part 1: Who does the organising ... reprinted with
thanks to Sabot, Seattle local paper.
Part 2: ...and who learns what? by Louise Crowley.

21.  Masculine/Feminine by Betty Roszak and Theodore
B. Roszak.

22. Eros and Revolution: a review of The Irrational in
Politics by Marshall Coleman. (With apologies to
M. Brinton for mis-spelling his name throughout.)

25. Wilhelm Reichs Work Theory by Jack Gallego.

29. Lesbians as Bogeywomen by Judy Grahn. Reprinted
from Women ... a journal of liberation, 3028
4 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Md., 21218, USA.
Available on subscription for $5.00 a year (four copies).

32. Aspects of Anarchy. I: Senna Hoy. By Mike Jones.
Outside back cover is the only known drawing of
Senna Hoy.

Front cover by Christine Charlton. Incidental drawings by
Roger Willis.


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