
Anarchy Journal No 7 1972 Class War Anarchism, Angst & Max Stirner The trial of politics


Anarchy Journal No 7 1972 Class War Anarchism, Angst & Max Stirner The trial of politics

Anarchy Journal/Magazine Volume one Number 7 (Second Series)

Workers Councils, translators' introductions...........................1
Preliminary notes on councils and organisation......................4
Some advice concerning generalised self-management........12
A novel of the general Strike...................................................15
Review: Les anarchistes espanols et le pouvoir......................l7
Review: Anarchism, Angst & Max Stirner................................20
Community relations in Newham............................................22
The trial of politics or the politics of the trial............................26

Anarchy Magazine, 95 West Green Road, London N15, England.
Printed by Brunswick Design, London, and Express Printers, London.

This copy has been folded vertically at some point but has been stored flat.



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