
Beat Instrumental Magazine No 24 April 1965 Viv Prince Animals Yardbirds Rolling Stones


Beat Instrumental Magazine No 24 April 1965 Viv Prince Animals Yardbirds Rolling Stones

Beat Instrumental Back issue No. 24 April 1965 


4. Player Of The MonthDenny Laine.
6. Mick and Keith Answer.
8. Portrait GalleryJohn Allen of the Nashville Teens.
10-14. West Country Beat (A survey of the Beat Scene in
the towns of Bath, Bristol, Swindon, Weston-Super-Mare
and surrounding districts by John Emery).
15. Praise For Soul AgentsBut Where's That Lucky Break?
16. The Long Ladder (Part Three) ''Get It Down In Writing.
18-19. Where Is Everybody? Hank's Column,
20. £1,000,000 So Far.
21. Yardbirds Breakthrough,
22-24. Instrumental News.
26. Your Queries Answered. instrumental! Corner.
27, This Man They Call James Brown.
28. Songwriting Now (Part Two).
30. Buying A Keyboard by Manfred Mann,
31. Men Behind The Instruments No. 6 Ivor Arbiter.
The Cossacks Again?
33. Profile On Viv Prince.
34. Recording Notes.
36. April Instrument Competition. Win a Burns Nu Sonic guitar,
37. Committeeman Jones.
38. Concrete Success.
39. Your Letters and Beat Nits.

Very good condition. 6/10 good

Beat Instrumental was a monthly UK pop and rock based publication aimed at musicians & readers interested the music industry. First published in May 1963 as the smaller sized Beat Monthly magazine it became Beat Instrumental Monthly with issue 18 and Beat Instrumental from issue 37. Unlike the weekly music press it was predominantly aimed at musicians but also catered for music fans emphasizing instruments and production equipment in it's interviews shifting it's focus to progressive rock in the late 1960s and 70s.


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