
Creem Magazine May 1977 Queen Bowie Iggy Pink Floyd Thin Lizzy Blondie Fleetwood Mac


Creem Magazine May 1977 Queen Bowie Iggy Pink Floyd Thin Lizzy Blondie Fleetwood Mac

Creem Magazine May 1977 Volume 8, Number 12 MAIL..............................................8 THE CHRISTGAU CONSUMER GUIDE.....................16 ROCK N ROLL NEWS...............................21 THE BEAT GOES ON....................................24 Peter Tork Redux; Twiggy Bursts Out; Robert Plant On A Spree; Bat Lizards Girlfriend; Robert Duncans Wedding; Split Enz For You, etc. BURTON CUMMINGS Diet Tips Hes got legs! weight-watching by Darcy Diamond . . . ...............30 KANSAS: They Live In Georgia But theyre still broad and plain typing by Darcy Diamond......................................32 For Blondie, High School Never Ends Who said it had? cruisin 'for burgers with Toby Goldstein.....................34 In Search Of Thin Lizzy Car 54, where are you? better late than never by Patrick Goldstein..................38 Queen: A Night At The Garden A day at the hairdressers Creem rinsed by Kris Nicholson...............................42 TELEVISION: No Tube Boobs! A new TV Guide; test patterns by Stephen Demorest...........................50 Rock Stars Tall Back: Dozens Listen The Eagles, Springsteen, FI & Eddie, Kiss, Lou Reed, Grace Slick, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, etc, blather on about rock writers.52 CREEM PROFILE: Blue Oyster Cult..........................49 LETTER FROM BRITAIN by Simon Frith ......................56 ELEGANZA by Lisa Robinson (on vacation this month)......... STARS CARS NO. 27: MARSHALL TUCKER......................58 CREEMEDIA................................................59 Dick Clark: Not of This World? by Rick Johnson, Rocky film review by Richard Riegel CONFESSIONS OF A FILM FOX................................60 REWIRE YOURSELF by Richard Robinson .....................62 RECORDS..................................................64 TELEVISION by Peter Laughner; FLEETWOOD MAC by Stephen Demorest; Pink Floyd by Kevin Doyle; IGGY by Billy Altman; Jethro Tull by Air-Wreck Genheimer & more! EXTENSION CHORDS by Bill Parsley.........................72 BACKSTAGE ...............................................82 

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Excellent+ condition


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