
Omaha Rainbow Magazine No 34 Summer 1984 Joe Ely T Bone Burnett David Lindley Bob Trammell


Omaha Rainbow Magazine No 34 Summer 1984 Joe Ely T Bone Burnett David Lindley Bob Trammell

Omaha Rainbow No 34 Summer 1984 

jolly Swan on Tuesday 31 January 1984 in Tampico Tilly's
Restaurant, Santa Monica, California. The photograph on
page 4 is by Henry Diltz for Homecoming Records.

6...BOB TRAMMELL - A nice guy and talented - by Roxy
Gordon whose new book, Breeds, has just been published
in America by Place of Herons Press. (ISBN 0-916908-27-5)
Plus a random selection of Bob's poems on pages 7 and &.
The photograph on page 6 is by Alison Roadrunner Kraft,

9...JOE ELY, interviewed by David Sandison on the TRP
records Mobile on Wednesday 23 April 1964 at Bly's home
in Apaloosa Run, Austin, Texas. The cover photo of Joe i
by Tom Sheehan for Home Service Pictures. The photo of
the Ely Band opening for The Rolling Stones on page 9 is
courtesy of BSG Management/Southcoast Records. The other
photos on pages 10 and 11 are all by Lurling Bastrop III.
Ely's new album, "Hi-Res," has been released by MCA in
the UK (good) with no inner sleeve information (when will
they ever learn).

13...RICHARD DOBSON - Don Ricardo's Life and Times, - The
fourth in ea continuing series - January 1984. Richard
arrives in England on 9 July for a holiday. Welcome back!

14...PETER LA FARGE - The Ballad of Peter Bucking-Horse
Tom Russell. Thanke to Julius Lester for some of the
information used herein. 'The Ballad of Ira Hayes is
copyright Edward B. Marks Husic Corporation. The photo
page 14 is from the Tom Russell collection.

16...T-BONE BURNETT, interviewed by Richard Hoare at the
Portobello Hotel in London on Monday 12 December 1983.
Special thanks go to Richard Wootton and Andy Childs. The
photo on page 16 is by Dennis Keeley.

18...DAVID LINDLBY, interviewed by Mart Sinnock for
Obscuro Enterprises on Tuesday 7 April 1983 in Room 850
of the Tara Hotel, Kensington, London. Special thanks to
Martin Birlison of WEA Records. The photo on page 18 is
by Randee St. Nicholas and courtesy of Asgard.

23...DAVID LINDLEY, interviewed again by Mart Sinnock for
Obscuro Bnterprisea/Ashanti Sound on Monday 26 March 198
at the Asgard Offices in London. Special thanks to Paul
Charles and the Asgard Staff, and to David Lindley for
his second Omaha Rainbow self-portrait shown on page 24.

27...The LOMAX GOLD Rrecord Collection- Devoted to the
release of John Stewart's new albus, "Trancas," on our
own new label, Sunstorm Records. Plus details of John's
July/August tour of Great Britain with Chuck McDermott.
See you all there! 7

Excellent condition with good clean pages throughout.



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