
Omaha Rainbow Magazine No 39 Spring 1987 Bob Gibson Pete Seeger Richard Dobson Steve Goodman


Omaha Rainbow Magazine No 39 Spring 1987 Bob Gibson Pete Seeger Richard Dobson Steve Goodman

Omaha Rainbow No 39 spring 1987

Vacation" by John Hoke, first published in the Homecoming
Celebrator Fall/Winter 1986. Special thanks to Molly Swan.
JOHN STEWART, interviewed by Spencer Leigh for BBC Radio
Merseyside at the Irish Centre, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool on
Thursday 8 October 1986. Special thanks to Geoff Davies,
Paul Darwin and John Atkins.

5... STEVE GOODMAN, interviewed by John Tobler (with Peter
O'Brien on back-up vocals) at the Montcala Hotel, Great
Cumberland Place in London on Thursday 5 August 1976.
Special thanks to Monty Smith. Brief extracts from this
interview appeared in OR11 in December 1976, but this is the
first time it has been published in its entirety. The cover
photograph of Steve Goodman was taken by Tom Sheehan, the
photograph on page 5 is courtesy of the Asylum Press Office
and the Lomax Gold Collection.

15..BOB GIBSON, interviewed by Arthur Wood at a picnic table
in the frontstage area of the Kerrville THeatre, Texas on
Thursday 27 May 1986. Arthur says, "Hi and thanks to my
friend W.L.'Rick' Woolley for the introduction, and for the
guided tour of Luckenbach. You are a true gent." The photo
by Dick Rosmini of Bob Gibson with Hamilton Camp on page 15
is from the inner sleeve of their album, "Homemade Music",
released in 1978 by Mountain Railroad Records on MR-52781.
The interview is dedicated by Arthur to the memory of Kate
Wolf who died of leukaemia in December 1986.

21..PETE SEEGER, questioned by Spencer Leigh in August 1986
for his BBC Radio Merseyside series On the Beat". You
should definitely read the Pete Seeger biography, "How Can I
Keep From Singing" by David King Dunaway. Published in the
UK by Harrap in paperback at £8-95 ISBN 0 245-54261-2, and
in the USA by McGraw Hill in hardback at $14.95 ISBN 0-07-

24..ROXY GORDON - "Physical Education". The sporting
illustrations on page 24 are from an advertisement by A.G.
Spalding & Bros., Putney, London SW15 in "Recreation and
Physical Fitness for Youths and Men", published by His
Majesty's Stationery Office for the Board of Education in
1938, price two shillings and sixpence.

26..RICHARD DOBSON - Don Ricardo's Life and Times. The
eleventh in a continuing series. Richard's album, "True
Nest", is available direct from RJD Productions, PO Box
120042, Nashville, Tennessee 37212, USA. Send $10.00 or
$12.00 if living outside the USA. Make your cheque or money
order payable to RJD Productions.

27...The LOMAX GOLD Record Collection. Almost every US
release detailed here is available from Mike's Country Music
room, 18 Hilton Avenue, Aberdeen ARB2 3RE, Scotland. Send two
13p stamps for his latest mindboggling list.

Very Good+ condition



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