
OZ Magazine No 38 November 1971 Day the Earth was Out to Lunch Excellent+ condition. Like new!


OZ Magazine No 38 November 1971 Day the Earth was Out to Lunch Excellent+ condition. Like new!

London OZ Magazine No 38 Nov 1971 Day the Earth was Out to Lunch. Excellent+ condition. Like new!

Includes an advert for John Lennons Imagine LP. The Scotland Road Free School IT underground history + logo. Charges against STYNG the underground newspaper. Chit Chat on Dress 18th century enema graphic. Souvenir OZ obscenity trial programme advert. Silly Sympathies cartoon. Survival? ecology + flower graphic/Mick Farren article on Utopian alternatives. Kisses: The The Sweetest Kiss of All Chris Rowley on the OZ trial and others. Its Just a Shot Away report from a drug treatment center in Vietnam. Demented Waving Brothers cartoon by Edward. Mike Harrison advert. OZ mail order. PC 49: The Case of the Spotted Toad cartoon and poem by Alan Stranks and John Worsley. Tough Shit in Bangkok. Advert for Eddisons The Worm Ouroboros. Centrefold Stewart MacKinnon graphic. Abbie: An Das a Fact Hoffman attempts to refute charges made in OZ 36 that he stole most of the material for Steal This Book. LP reviews: Grateful Dead, New Riders of the Puple Sage, Jerry Garcia, Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, Traffic, Howlin Wolf, Larry Coryell, Country Joe and the Fish, Daevid Allen, John Lennon. Film advert for Danish Blue. Advert for Nottingham alternative magazine Third Eye. Robert Crumb cartoon featuring advert for International Times mag. Full page William Stok cartoon. Full page advert for Hawkwind. Fans condemnatory letters from the mother of a 16 year old OZ reader and two American women. Penguinpower advert. Ad for Roger Zelaznys book, Damnation Alley. Oxfam petition/advert. Dr J advice. Captain Video From Larry Menkin, Free Video America, Seize the Media. Poor Paranoids: Rock by John Coleman. Letter to the Lumpen from Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers, Minister of Information, The Black Panther Party. Velvet Underground LPs/tour advert. 4 page Robert Crumb strip cartoon Honeybunch Kaminski the Drug-Crazed Runaway. Lone Ranger and Tonto I think theyre all bozos in this OZ art graphic. Back cover Bop Diddley Wah Wah Clang Honk graphic.

All items are professionally packed in high quality rigid all cardboard mailers. We do not use board backed paper envelopes. Magazines are placed in cellophane bags and then taped inside the mailer to keep it free from corners where damage can occur.



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