
Rolling Stone Magazine No 296 Joni Mitchell 8 page interview Peter Frampton 2 pages Steve Forbet


Rolling Stone Magazine No 296 Joni Mitchell 8 page interview Peter Frampton 2 pages Steve Forbet

Rolling Stone Magazine 296 26 July 1979 Joni Mitchell 8 page interview; Peter Frampton 2 pages; Steve Forbert. Vintage Back Issue Magazine in used condition. If condition is crucial ask questions and view the uploaded pictures before you purchase. This issue will be shipped (folded) in a strong cardboard envelope unless otherwise pre-arranged.

Founded in California, by Jann Wenner back in 1967 Rolling Stone Magazine delved deep into the music world and frequently tackled political issues. In the first edition 11/9/1967 Wenner wrote that Rolling Stone "is not just about music, but about things & attitudes that the music scene embraces. However it quickly distanced itself from the underground newspapers of the time embracing traditional journalism & avoiding the radical politics championed by the underground press.


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