
Sound International incorporating Beat Instrumental Magazine May 1981 Phil Collins Cabaret Voltaire


Sound International incorporating Beat Instrumental Magazine May 1981 Phil Collins Cabaret Voltaire

Sound International incorporating Beat Instrumental Back issue May 1981

18 The Revaluation
of the Phil
The overwhelming success of the solo
career of one Phil Collins forces our roving
hack R Denyer to probe the face, hands,
brain and other relevant areas of the said
Genesis person. And just how does he get
his kit to sound the size of Waterloo

22 A Look At Sound
This special survey by Dave Crombie
follows up his very popular Listening To
Pictures series in Artists Weekly. This time
round, the tireless Crumbly investigates
such phenomena as frequency, timbre
and all the other constituents of sound.

29 10% of tomorrow
Or: Do you really need management?
Didy Lake considers the alternatives to
work ones genitalia off and reap all the
(eventual) benefits that accrue, or to sign
ones Ife away to the geezer with the big
Cigar. Bur of course its nor quite as simple
as that...

34 Cabaret Voltaire
A set of in instructions from the Sheffield
boys Dave Henderson catches the age
Of the train in a bid to extend sentences far
Beyond the outer limits. Thrill to the
crossheads, the sound live, Recording,
Record Labels. Future projects: Marvel at
the vinyl Factory rough Trade,

36 DIY - 7
Now I dont want you getting too excited,
but I dont think it would be giving too
much away to reveal that the second
sentence of this months DIY Studio
instalment reads: This month there will
be less arithmetic and more practicalities,
Now come on, I said not to get too

Index 25 to 36
This four-page extravaganza, brought to
you at no extra cost, is a fascinating record
of just what we've been up to in the past
year 12 issues worth of fact, fun and. er,
fellowship. Anyway, if nothing else, it
should prove to you (as if you didnt
already know) that Sl is the best magazine
in the cosmos for the caring, sharing
musician. Kinda cute, huh?

News: Showtime, Guitar building and more 5
News: On Acoustic guitars; Digital recording 9,11
Guitars: Maton 13
sound Advice: Electrics, Acoustics, Amps and co 14
Letters: Valves, Cassettes 16
The Daily Slog: A Record Retailer 26
FX: Roland SRE 555/ Boss DM100 Roger Phillips 47
Amps: Vox V125 stack Gary Cooper 50
Bass: Roland bass synth Neil Murray 52
Sound Reviews: Woody Guthrie, BI 1966, Independence Day,
Records, etc 56


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