
Spare Rib Magazine May 1973 features The Rolling Stones Masochism Holloway Prison


Spare Rib Magazine May 1973 features The Rolling Stones Masochism Holloway Prison

Spare Rib Women's Feminist Magazine May 1973

6. Roll Over Baby and Rock Me. Margaret Geddes on how the Rolling Stones
rocked to stardom on the sexual fantasies of the 60s teeny-boppers.
9. Equal Pay: How to make it work for you by Sarah Boston
13. Angela Carter writes about the paradoxes affecting the lives of Japanese women.
16. Youre not too good at Baseball. Theresa DAbreus escapades in America.
26. Angela Weir inside the Walls of Holloway.
28. Liberation a new look at our behaviour and society by Judy Brett.
31. How vital are your statistics? Are they essential to your wellbeing? Do
you get obsessed by fad diets? Angela Phillips discusses ways of coping with
overweight problems.

14. In our own write letters page
12. Continuing Pat Barrs environment columnThe Countryside.
34. Reviews
Diana Cheeld reviews The Future of Marriage, Rosie Parker on Love
Between Women, Marsha Rowe on 3 newly available American feminist
books and in contrast Alex Uxbridge on Mailer. Also Dave Robins, a
squatter, looks at Ron Baileys Squatters, we renew our record column and
begin a regular section on childrens books
17. News
Spare Rib Shock. We look at VAT.

Editors: Marsha Rowe and Rosie Boycott
Contributing Editor: Rosie Parker
Reviews Editor, Production and Distribution: Rose Ades
Advertising: Marion Fudger
Design: Rose Verney, Lucinda Cowell and Sally Doust
Spare Rib: Published monthly by Spare Ribs Ltd, 9 Newburgh St, London W1A 4XS
Printed by J.H. Paull Ltd, 23 Dod St, London E14 Typesetting by Dahling Dahling,
331 Grays Inn Road, London WC14 8PX Distributed by Seymour Press Ltd, 334
Brixton Road, London Sw9
Copyright here and abroad in all news and feature articles and photographs is held by
pare Ribs Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part of any article is forbidden save
with the express permission of Spare Ribs Ltd.


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