
Time Out Magazine No 1167 1993 Reservoir Dogs Alain Corneau Bolshoi Ballet


Time Out Magazine No 1167 1993 Reservoir Dogs Alain Corneau Bolshoi Ballet

Time Out Magazine No 1167 December 30 - January 6 1993 

Jon Ronson 5 .
Ronson or Bronson? Our man joins a high-power group of vigilantes.
Opening Shots 6
The next eight days in pictures.
News 8
Plus Sidelines.
Know Your Rites 10
Psychiatrists and priests are burying their differences to work together in the treatment of
people claiming to be possessed by demons. Christopher Middleton reports.
Talking Out Of Our Annus 12
So, how was it for you? As 1992 draws to a close, our band of critics recall the best and
worst moments of the past 12 months.
Dark Star 16
In his new roles in Reservoir Dogs and Bad Lieutenant actor Harvey Keitel takes his
confrontation with inner darkness even deeper. Brian Case stares into the abyss.
Shoot To Kill 18
Geoff Andrew meets the three writer-director-stars of Man Bites Dog, a disturbing serial
killer film from Belgium.
Russian Resolutions 20
The Bolshoi Ballet comes to the Albert Hall this month on a mission thats as much about
high finance as high art. Aden Robertson bemoans the state of the famous dance troupe.
Baroque And Hearts 23
Alain Corneaus Tous les Matins du Monde is an exquisitely atmospheric tale of two
seventeenth-century musicians. Geoff Andrew says, if it ain't baroque, dont fix it.
Back From The Dead 24
You wake up on New Years Day, workmen are drilling behind your eyes and your mouth
feels like its been sandblasted. You need one of Anita Chaudhurts hangover cures.
Offers 137
Win a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras or stay closer to home at our free readers
screening of Bridget Fondas new film, Singles.
Last Word 138
Letters and The Wimp.

To this day Time Out magazine continues to provide information to make the most of living in London - from comedy nights, art galleries, classic clubs and old-school caffs to shops & markets, film houses, theatre's, pubs & bars, small music gigs, concerts, clubs, cabaret, poetry readings etc. Time Out London magazine covers just about everything happening in London at the time of issue.



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