
Time Out Magazine No 1228 1994 Female Rap Rappers in New YorkHomeless in London Debra Winger


Time Out Magazine No 1228 1994 Female Rap Rappers in New YorkHomeless in London Debra Winger

Time Out MAGAZINE March 2-9 No 1227 1994

Hotshots 4
Six pages of gossip, trends and highlights for the coming week. Featuring our man Ronson, our
mole Sidelines, London lines and dispatches from abroad. Edited by Andrew Tuck.
News 11
Plus Martin Rowson.
Roofless People
There are more than homeless people in London but in many boroughs, properties stand
empty for years. We find out why.
Espana In The Works
Two top Spanish dance companies make their London debuts at Sadler's Wells this month. Allen
Robertson rattles his maracas close to choreographers Nacho Duato and Cristina Hoyos.
Cover Story Posse Whippin' 18
Rap's war of the sexes has never been more violent, and female rappers 7669 have had enough of
being 'bitches'. In New York, Laura Lee Davies finds them biting back.
Peer Pressure
Just three years out of drama school, actor Michael Sheen is taking on the title role in Ninagawa's
'Peer Gynt'.Jane Edwardes finds out about pressure, performance, and living on the edge.
The Price Of Flame 24
As a child, Debra Winger was told she was ugly and talentless. Enraged, she went off to become a
major Hollywood star. Adrian Turner meets a woman as temperamental as she is talented,
Offers 169
Win one of five fantastic trips around Europe, worth over 1200 each; half-price tickets for
Hullabaloo at the Jazz Café; see more of Bette Bourne for less cash,
Sell Out
News 27
Lone woman harassed by cabbie.
Susannah Frankel reports.
Zine Age Kicks 28
How to become a mini magazine
mogul By Andrew Tuck.
Couture's Way 33
Andrew Tuck checks out the
catwalks in London Fashion Week.
Buys And Bargains 35
All the latest openings, plus
jumbles and shop news.
Food 36
Caroline Stacey fills her plate at
London's new restaurants.
International Agenda 38
Where to go and what to do in
New York, Paris and Berlin.
Cover Design: Jeremy Leslie
Photograph: 7669 by Karl Grant
Last Word
Letters and The Wimp.

Still in action today Time Out London magazine has continued to provide information to make the most of living in London from comedy nights, art galleries, classic clubs and old-school caffs to shops and markets, film houses, theaters, pubs and bars, small music gigs, concerts, clubs, cabaret, poetry readings etc. Time Out magazine covers poular and important events happening in London at the time of going to press. Ex condition. Perfect readable copy. Will be posted in a strong card envelope.



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